About Us

There are many ways to give back but its not always easy to find an outlet for our efforts. iDiaspora aims to link those that want to make a difference with concrete opportunities to forge a better future.

Locals & Diasporas of every country are welcome use our services to collaborate with and developing each other, your community where you currently live as well as your country of origin or descent .

Every year, millions of people leave their countries of birth in search of better opportunities abroad. Often, these migrants are among the most talented workers in their home countries. At first glance, this is a loss for the home countries, which invested considerable time and money in educating and developing these people, only to watch them leave. But look again.

With the right policies and support services, home countries can make use of their diaspora communities—which include emigrants and their descendants—to support the economy. 

This is achieved using the following services:

  1. Diaspora Finder
    Locate those in the diaspora and form communities, collaboration with them using tools like our Groups.
    Diaspora communities can make a unique contribution to the development of their home countries—especially toward building physical capital and productivity, and ultimately helping to boost job creation, living standards, and higher growth
  2. Remittances Tracker
    See where this money is going and how effective it is. When these remittances are spent on goods and services, they immediately support economic activity.When these remittances are used to invest, they can boost the home-country’s capital and economic growth.
  3. Diaspora Groups
    By virtue of their education and training, diaspora networks / groups convey knowledge and expertise—raising productivity through a variety of channels.  By contributing to the design of educational curriculum and training, diasporas can raise the quality of education in their home countries. They can also directly provide rigorous professional development and leadership training programs. Combining their skills, contacts, and know-how with their insights into global opportunities and local customs, diasporas help home-country businesses overcome hurdles, raise efficiency, and expand into new markets.  In the same vein, they can also be powerful advisors to governments in helping to improve the quality of public institutions and advocates to foreign businesses looking to expand. For example, Indian-born executives in U.S.-based technology companies played a critical role in giving their companies the confidence to outsource work to India.
  4. Diaspora Projects
    Concepts such as “brain gain,” “brain bank,” “brain trust,” and “brain circulation”263 have gained currency, signaling a growing interest in finding ways to use the skills and experience of the diaspora to fill knowledge and skills gaps in their countries of origin.
    The diaspora is creating many projects designed to help their respective homeland.
  5. Diaspora Q & A
    Designed to help you better help your homeland by providing effective answers to your questions.
    Get advice, ask questions, get answers. read comments, tab into our resource databse and more.
  6. localanddiaspora.com/recipes Online Community
    Take advantage of services that connect those in homeland with diaspora with a shared interest or purpose of developing themselves and their homeland. Our community also includes tools like blog and other key services designed to help you build any type of group or organization with member profiles, activity streams, user groups, messaging, message attachments, document collaboration and more. 


*** Support Us: ***
Cash App: https://cash.app/$bcomca
PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/bizzzcom

Website: http://www.localanddiaspora.com/recipes

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PeopleLocalAndDiaspora
Twitter: https://twitter.com/localndiaspora
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/localanddiaspora
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTv5ppklgBLrB6T6WV3p9AA
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/localndiaspora
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@localanddiaspora
